Showing posts with label inspection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspection. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Get the Electrical Safety Audit for Your Property

An electrical safety audit is nothing but just an audit that helps to calculate the amount of electricity being used at your home or where the electricity is flowing too.  The audit helps you to understand the issue and then resolve the issue in a better way. In such an issue more electricity is consumed unnecessarily and that leads to a waste of money and destruction of the environment too.

To understand this better let's jump into two different types of electricity audits.

Firstly we encounter simple audits where we can do it ourselves to find out the amount of energy is getting wasted on the different appliances and thus it will help to understand the money we are wasting by paying the electric bill. There are several calculators available online that help to calculate the electrical safety audit.

Secondly one can easily hire a professional auditor who would visit your place and helps to identify the wastage of the energy. We all will find professional energy auditors almost everywhere. This auditor works as an electrician or builder. They provide free audit and energy consultation as they visit your home. In general, one has to understand that these professional works help us to improve the home or industrial environment as they can identify the energy leak or the issue and resolve it accordingly. 

In any kind of industrial energy audit the size, type, and function plays an important role. The potential and the magnitude of energy savings along with the cost reduction is the only aim of the energy audit for industrial purposes. 

If you need to have this work done, then go ahead and call URS India since they will be able to help you. Not only can they figure out the main areas where the consumption is the highest, but they can also help you find the areas to lower the levels.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Energy audit — Things to Know About

 An energy audit is a prime important tool that identifies the energy efficiency for assessing the financial viability of a system. Be it the environment or a man-made system, this audit refers to the investigation of the energy use in order that the energy wastage is often quantified.

The audit is often done at many levels an easy level of energy can include only the broad assessment of energy input and output of the system. There is often a depth analysis of energy costs, energy usage, and other characteristics of the system alongside the identification of capital-intensive energies within the medium level of audit.

The investment-grade audit is that the most sophisticated and sophisticated quite audit that has continuous monitoring of the system data and process characteristics.

Phases of the energy audit

Generally, there are often three or four phases of the audit. 

1. Investigation phase- this is often the preliminary phase of the audit. By reviewing the energy bills or the past consumption patterns, the energy use of the system is identified. Data is collected during a detailed form in order that the auditor calculates the entire energy demand for specific purposes and sets a comparison for every system component’s usage.

2. Site assessment- the broader phase of this audit involves obtaining comprehensive information concerning the location. All the operating characteristics are taken under consideration for the audit intimately.

3. Analysis- this is often the foremost complex part of an energy audit. It involves technical and price analysis. the info collected thus far is analyzed precisely. All the important factors and technical calculations are done to work out various parameters. Energy costs are analyzed and therefore the potential saving methods are devised. the small print of the analysis makes it easier to know the points that need promising changes in both financial and technical aspects.

4. Audit report- this is often the ultimate phase, during which a comprehensive report is formed including all the important technical data and knowledge on energy usage.

How can energy audits be beneficial?

This audit is important for any organization as it structures the energy use of the system. The proper analysis and a systematic approach make it easier to strongly create a baseline for the scope of improvements required.

It helps the organization to inculcate better energy management practices in the business. By understanding how the activities are impacting the environment, they can shift to alternatives.

The time taken to give a report of the audit might take several months as it gives a detailed record and analysis of the energy performance of the business. It can strongly help organizations in improving energy consumptions, reducing utility bills, and being more friendly.